We regularly publish articles in the AGEFI (L’Agence économique et Financière).
With our presence in Financial sector, we wish to share opinions and create positive debate about specific subjects.
Who has not been questioned about the banking turmoil we know since 2008 ? Several times, we were confronted to tough discussions and debates about the subject. People coming from industries and without experience in financial services are sometimes the most critical about safety plans organised by Governments. Incomprehension about the business of banks is also a regular discussion point.
How many individuals or companies have bought complex financial products with strong advices from their banker ? For them, lost were sometimes important. These last weeks in Belgium, KBC was sued for having sold Credit Default Swaps to loyal customers. Why did the bank sell such products to its clients ? Only to make money on a specific deal ? There is no single answer to these questions, but sometimes banks sold products without taking care to answering customers’ needs. We propose to compare industry and financial services regarding the commercial process and discuss ideas of adjustments that financial sector could take to provide more added value to its customers.
(extract from our last publication in April 2013)